News : I'll leave to Japan from the 26th of January till the 5th of March 

You can still contact me by e-mail to fix an appointment to Neudorf and La Petite France or ask for a gift card

News : Open all days, weekend included

Reception by appointment all weekdays from 10am to 8pm
Book an appointment...

Yin Shiatsu 


In-depth and pragmatic bodywork at the source of tensions

The session

On appointment

Two offices in Strasbourg : Neudorf or Petite France.

Open from 10am to 6-8 pm weekend included.

Two possibilities:  

  • A 1h15 long session - 75€*
  • A 40min long session - 45€*

Gift voucher available on request

*Reduced rate of 50/40€ respectively for people in financial difficulty

 Yin Shiatsu

It is a manual approach of Japanese origins, working on the tissues through (among other things) deep pressures.

Receiving shiatsu helps to reduce muscular / nervous tension and fatigue by improving blood and lymphatic circulation. It also improves the perception and body image.  

With, at the end, an analgesic action, an improvement of the metabolism (circulation, digestion, breathing...) and a feeling of well-being. 

Within the limits of what a massage session can bring, of course...

The practitioner 

I have a practice in Strasbourg, and I also work as a Yin Shiatsu trainer.

I promote a pragmatic approach to shiatsu. Based on practice and anchored in corporeal reality.

Former practitioner at the Akahigedo clinic in Tokyo until 2019.

Trained at the "Ecole Supérieure de Shiatsu Professionnel de Tours (37)" from 2014 to 2016.



At my place: Neudorf - 9 rue de Séléstat - 67100 - Strasbourg

Midori Shop in la Petite France - 8 rue du Coq 67000 - Strasbourg


+33 6 84 72 24 23